Regional analyses

“How big is our market share in the Nordic countries?” “How does demand vary within our different customer groups?” “How does the ability to pay differ between different countries?” Prognosesenteret has analysed the consumption of various types of building products in Scandinavia over many years and can describe the market and customer base in the Nordic countries.
Applications for Prognosesenteret’s regional analyses

Our information is used by manufacturers and retailers in their market analyses. Examples of applications are:

  • Following stores’ performance in the market by customer group and district.
  • Decision making basis for setting sales goals by neighbourhood, store level, or sales district.
  • Optimising direct advertising by target group or district.
  • Time optimisation for customer visits.
  • Presentation tools in discussions/reviews with concerned persons in the company (from management to store salespeople).
  • Establishment tools for growth assessment of various regional areas.


Customer Map

For companies on the Swedish market we have developed a map-based tool that enables companies to study their market down to a detailed geographic level. We call it the Customer Map.




The Customer Map is available for a variety of product areas in the construction and real estate industry and is customised to the needs of each company in the form of distribution by regions and definition of target groups and customer segments.


The Customer Map illustrates your market based on customer groups. Simply zoom in to your sales district or the store’s production area and see where your customers live and how high their demand is for your products.


Examples of variables in the Customer Map that constitute particularly useful filters for market analysis are:

  • Customer group (e.g. consumer/professional)
  • Type of building (e.g. single-family house, apartment, condominium, office, hotel etc).
  • Point of sale (e.g. building retail, speciality retail, wholesale etc).
  • New construction/R&M (Renovation and Maintenance)
  • Integration of own sales statistics with the potential market.
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