How many energy facilities will be built in Sweden next year?

How does the development of the building and construction markets look over the next two to three years? How much will be invested? How large are public and private investments? These are examples of questions Prognosesenteret can answer. We present forecasts based on analyses of the building and construction markets in Scandinavia.

Prognosesenteret’s offering is unique in providing medium-term analyses and construction market forecasts which are updated twice a year.


The construction market

Prognosesenteret maps all construction projects in order to monitor the overall market development. The construction market is divided into the main categories:

  • Road construction
  • Rail and tram system
  • Marine infrastructure
  • Energy facilities
  • Other public facilities
  • Other construction projects


The product development in the construction market is primarily determined by the demand from the public sector. About 70-80 % of all construction activity is ordered by a public agency. The construction market is less cyclical than other building markets.


We also forecast for the Nordic building market, such as new residential and commercial properties as well as the R&M market (Renovation and Maintenance).


Housing production

How many homes will be built in the coming years and what controls the start-up rate? This is a key question addressed in the forecasts for new production of housing.


The report contains detailed forecasts of how many houses and apartments will be built in various parts of the country. The analysis is based on how different driving forces affect supply and demand in the market. The market forecasts specify both the number of houses and the economic value.


Production of commercial buildings

The report for commercial properties includes the building of private commercial operations and public operations and domestic buildings. The activity for each type of property is reported for each loan, and is specified in square meters, economic value and investments.


R&M – Renovation and Maintenance

We also forecast the Swedish R&M market, both for private homes and commercial properties, distributed by geography (municipalities) and building types. The development in the R&M market is primarily determined by the economy.

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